So maybe you're not quite there--and you still want to be anonymous. That's okay. Take some time to check us out and see if we're normal people. We encourage you to take the 5-Sunday Challenge (read below) to get to know us better. Read the thoughts below to find your bearings. And when you want to be known (hopefully you will have met some wonderful people face-to-face already) you can let us know and fill out the contact form below, and download our church app (in footer below) to keep up with when and where people are getting together!
Photos by Jose B Rivera & Shannon M.
Community Christian Church - New York City is where people who have never heard of Jesus, and those who have heard of him all their lives, get the same Message: Come, find and follow Jesus. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ and discover the Good News that changes life as we know it.
Photos by Jose B Rivera & Shannon M
Around the corner or around the block, you have spiritual family here in East Harlem.
At Community Christian Church we are building Christ-centered community to reach our community:
being present for each other, developing mutual care, and growing a friendship with Jesus Christ that transforms us.
What we've been freely given, we freely share around the block or around the world.
At Community Christian Church we are building Christ-centered community to reach our community:
being present for each other, developing mutual care, and growing a friendship with Jesus Christ that transforms us.
What we've been freely given, we freely share around the block or around the world.
The Talent
210 E 117th St, NY, NY 10035
Sunday Morning Service
*11:30am-12:40pm *(Children's Ministry & Nursery Available)
*11:30am-12:40pm *(Children's Ministry & Nursery Available)
Sunday Adult Discipleship Class
1:00-2:00pm (adult, youth)
1:00-2:00pm (adult, youth)
What To Expect
What's the service like? A typical service will last about 90 minutes with singing, prayer, communion, kids moment, and a sermon. You're welcome to just observe or to participate.
What do I wear? You will see people wearing anything from suits to shorts &
t-shirts--so wear what makes you comfortable.
Music? The music is always live, vibrant, and contemporary. Whether you lift your hands and sing along or stand in quiet reflection, we hope you will sense God's presence.
What about children? There are preparations for children of all ages. Children (4 years old to 5th grade) stay with parents in the service until the Kids Moment message and then can join children's activities (in classrooms) or remain in the main gathering with their parents. For moms and little ones (4 and under) we have our "Kids Zone" with rocking chairs, and soft-noiseless toys, within our service area.
Before and after? We start promptly at 10:30AM and try to end before 12:00PM. If you're looking to meet some new people, and possibly some great friends, hang out a little before or after service! Free coffee and pastries always.
Do you have small groups? Yes, we have 10 different small groups meeting in person and online. Men's group, women's group, young adult's group . . . just ask or fill out one of the contact cards at service or here online.
Do you have anything for teens? Yes, Sundays at 12:30pm we have a group for teens, and the beginnings of a youth group starting to meet once a month.
How do I learn more about the church? Just start participating and find the next "New Members" class to learn more about CCC. If you attend the class, there is no obligation to become a member.
What do I wear? You will see people wearing anything from suits to shorts &
t-shirts--so wear what makes you comfortable.
Music? The music is always live, vibrant, and contemporary. Whether you lift your hands and sing along or stand in quiet reflection, we hope you will sense God's presence.
What about children? There are preparations for children of all ages. Children (4 years old to 5th grade) stay with parents in the service until the Kids Moment message and then can join children's activities (in classrooms) or remain in the main gathering with their parents. For moms and little ones (4 and under) we have our "Kids Zone" with rocking chairs, and soft-noiseless toys, within our service area.
Before and after? We start promptly at 10:30AM and try to end before 12:00PM. If you're looking to meet some new people, and possibly some great friends, hang out a little before or after service! Free coffee and pastries always.
Do you have small groups? Yes, we have 10 different small groups meeting in person and online. Men's group, women's group, young adult's group . . . just ask or fill out one of the contact cards at service or here online.
Do you have anything for teens? Yes, Sundays at 12:30pm we have a group for teens, and the beginnings of a youth group starting to meet once a month.
How do I learn more about the church? Just start participating and find the next "New Members" class to learn more about CCC. If you attend the class, there is no obligation to become a member.

Who We Are
We are people from different ethnicities and nationalities; we are people from the boroughs of NYC--some born and raised here, others transplants. We are rich people, poor people, and in-between people. We are young, old, and middle-aged. Some of us have walked with Jesus for a while, others have just begun. But we are all here together building a community, around Jesus, to build a community.

What We Do
Relational community is the vehicle for discipleship, so we are intentionally building that community by inviting and equipping people to participate:
Share so "I am loved."
Connect so "I am part of the family."
Minister so "I am in the bigger story."
Disciple so "I am sent."
Share so "I am loved."
Connect so "I am part of the family."
Minister so "I am in the bigger story."
Disciple so "I am sent."

What's Different
There is a growing authenticity in our love for Jesus and for each other which results in individuals not afraid of being known, and therefore feeling loved.
Loved people become whole people, and whole people with access to the mission are lights that have found their lamp stand.
Loved people become whole people, and whole people with access to the mission are lights that have found their lamp stand.
About Us
Get to know more about what makes us different.

5-Sunday Challenge ~ It takes a little time to get to know an individual, and it is the same for a church. We want encourage you to take the "5-Sunday Challenge". Commit to attending five Sundays in a row to gain a better understanding of who we are as a church. If at the end of five Sundays, you find that you want to know more and how to be a part, then sign up for our next New Members Class.
New Member's Class~ Sign up to attend our New Member's Class to hear about who we are, where we are going, and how we are getting there! It is a casual setting with coffee and pastries, where we will share a lot about our story, and you will have an opportunity (if you want) to share a little of your story and ask any questions you might have. There is no obligation to become a member after the class--it's up to you if you want to join!
How To Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.
Don't Have a Question? Are you regularly attending CCC and need a little more of something?
Do you want to receive regular information on what's going on at CCC? Do you want to be able to receive notifications if there is a snow cancellation or a change in the church service venue address? Do you want to stay updated? Then you need to click below to fill out our Connect Card!